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What side will you take? Will it be the heart strong ALLIE forces or the ground shaking armies of the AXIS? Go head to head in Cross-Platform VR Action Strategy like never seen before. Choose between 6 different Divisions, each fighting in dynamic ways. Advance with a strong armored attacks, attack with fast paced bombing runs or dominate the skies with blitzkrieg precision. You choose how you want to wage the battle!

Fight the battle, Win the war!



Capt Simmons

The US Infantry marches across the countryside to fight for truth, freedom and the American way. Capt. Nathan Simmons leads his troops fearlessly against the opposing German forces, placing troop trucks, bazooka soldiers and mortar specialists in strategic locations throughout the war zone.

“No Mission Too Difficult, No Sacrifice Too Great, Duty First”


Division info

USA Troop Truck Bazooka
USA AntiTankGun
USA BomberHeavy B17FlyingFortress
USA Jeep Willies
USA Tank Sherman
USA Troop Truck Infantry
USA Fighter P47 Thunderbolt
USA M40 Artillery
USA GMC Antiair
Final Assault Simons.png

Major Beaumont

The US Armored Division rolls out heavy tanks and powerful explosives to wipe their enemies from the face of the battlefield. The Sherman Crocodile, capable of clearing a path all by itself with its front-mounted flamethrower, is Major Beaumont's attacker of choice as he makes his way into German territory

USA Troop Truck Bazooka
USA Tank Crocodile
USA Tank Calliope
USA Jeep Willies
USA Tank Sherman
USA Troop Truck Infantry
USA Fighter P47 Thunderbolt
USA M40 Artillery
USA GMC Antiair
Final Assault Beaumont.png

Division info


"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't"

General George S. Patton Jr.

US Armored

The US Airborn are the fearless men who take to the skies to protect freedom and rain down justice from above. US Troop planes drop paratroopers off into the most dangerous circumstances as Captain Nickles commands the P38's and P47's to keep the roads to the enemy headquarters clear. 

"We're  Airborne, we don't start fights, we finish them!"

Priest Capture
USA Fighter Heavy P38 Lightning
USA TroopPlane DC3Douglas
USA Jeep Willies
USA Tank Sherman
USA Troop Truck Infantry
USA Fighter P47 Thunderbolt
USA M40 Artillery
USA GMC Antiair

Capt. Nickles

Final Assault Mackenzie.png

Division info

US Airborne

The German Armored Division brings the power of Panzer and Tiger tanks to bear against their enemies in an explosive manner. Commander Wulf will show no mercy when dealing with enemy forces, and she uses her Walking Stukas and her Hummel Artillery to great effect against any who come at her base.

"We have our boots on the enemies neck. Now end this!"

Commander Wulf

German Cross.png
GER Halftrack WalkingStuka
GER Fighter ME110
GER Tank Tiger
GER Motorcycle Sidecar
GER Panzer IV
GER Infantry Transport
GER Fighter BF109
GER Artillery Hummel
GER Anti Air Wirbelwind
FInal Assault_Wulf.png

Division info

German Cross.png

The German Infantry is a swarming mass of enemy soldiers prepared to do whatever it takes to defeat their enemies. Captain Galland rallies his Panzerschreck Bazooka soldiers and his Motorized Heavy Machine Gun Trucks to clear a path for his soldiers as they march on their enemy's headquarters.

"Iron discipline and Victory at all costs!"


GER Rocket Transport
GER DiveBomber JU87 Stuka
GER TankDestroyer Hetzer
GER Motorcycle Sidecar
GER Panzer IV
GER Halftrack Machinegun
GER Fighter BF109
GER Artillery Hummel
GER Anti Air Wirbelwind
Final Assault_Galland.png

Division info

German Luftwaffe

The Luftwaffe is the German specialized air division, bringing their assault from the skies with bombs and bullets. The Henschel Heavy fighter is a formidable offensive weapon, and Captain Von Ritter will use it to his advantage against any enemy that dares take the field opposite him.

"From the skies will come their doom!"

German Cross.png

Count Von Ritter

GER Fighter Heavy HS129 Henschel
GER Halftrack Machinegun
GER Bomber Medium HE111
GER Motorcycle Sidecar
GER Panzer IV
GER Infantry Transport
GER Fighter BF109
GER Artillery Hummel
GER Anti Air Wirbelwind
Final Assault VonRitter.png

Division info

German Infantry
Final Assault Galland.jpg
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